
Laceycarbonfilmsofferalaceymeshstructurewithahighpercentageofopenarea.Theholesizesvarysignificantly,andthebarsareextremelythin.The ...,Thiscarboncoatedfilmonabrokenpatternconsistsofwoven-mesh-likeopeningsofdifferentsizesandshapes.Thistypeofpatter...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Conventional Carbon-Coated Grids

Lacey carbon films offer a lacey mesh structure with a high percentage of open area. The hole sizes vary significantly, and the bars are extremely thin. The ...

Lacey Carbon Film

This carbon coated film on a broken pattern consists of woven-mesh-like openings of different sizes and shapes. This type of pattern provides support.

Lacey carbon films on Copper TEM Grids

Lacey carbon films are particularly suitable for studying some nanotubes, acicular crystals and biological/materials specimens. Supplied as 25 or 50 grids in a ...

Lacey Carbon Support films for TEM

Lacey carbon films are particularly suitable for studying some nanotubes, acicular crystals and biological/materials specimens. Available on copper, nickel and ...

Lacey Carbon Supported Copper Grids - Sigma

General description. Lacey carbon film supported TEM grids. This carbon coating consists of woven-mesh-like openings of different sizes and shapes. This type of ...

Lacey carbon鍍碳銅網金網鎳網

Lacey,蕾絲網狀支撐膜. 為多孔膜,其孔較大,孔之間的碳較少. 使膜具有網狀或是蕾絲狀外觀。 膜上的孔洞大小介於0.25至 10 微米之間,. 適用於各類型樣品。

SPI Supplies Lacey FormvarCarbon Coated Grids onto 400 Mesh ...

These grids are used primarily for those doing high temperature studies, which would mean that any polymer, such as Formvar®, would be degraded during the ...

TEM Grids, Lacey Carbon Film coated, 200 Mesh, Cu

已售完 TEM Grids, Lacey Carbon Film coated, 200 Mesh, Cu. This carbon coated film on a broken pattern consists of woven-mesh-like holes of different sizes and shapes.


Laceycarbonfilmsofferalaceymeshstructurewithahighpercentageofopenarea.Theholesizesvarysignificantly,andthebarsareextremelythin.The ...,Thiscarboncoatedfilmonabrokenpatternconsistsofwoven-mesh-likeopeningsofdifferentsizesandshapes.Thistypeofpatternprovidessupport.,Laceycarbonfilmsareparticularlysuitableforstudyingsomenanotubes,acicularcrystalsandbiological/materialsspecimens.Suppliedas25or50gri...